There will be a video meeting of the Board of Directors, Sunday.
Meeting Date: 5 April 2020, 11:30am
Things to be discussed;
1. New Website Design and Functions.
2. Establish areas of responsibility for content update and upkeep.
3. Approval for online domain accounts;
1. Webmaster - Jimmy Barnes
2. Spiritual Leader - Joseph Mullins
3. Board President - Gene Murrell
4. Treasure - Ralph Beck
5. Secretary - Arvetta Jeter
6. Administration - Crystal Stillman
7. Youth Pastor - ?
8. Worship Leader - ?
4. Establish funding guidelines for web presence.
5. Discuss audio quality of current broadcasts.
6. PayPal account for online giving.
7. Worship Service Restrictions/Cancellations.
8. Online worship / classroom options
9. Old business