Friday, April 3, 2020

Video Meeting

There will be a video meeting of the Board of Directors, Sunday.

Meeting Date: 5 April 2020, 11:30am

Things to be discussed;

1. New Website Design and Functions.
2. Establish areas of  responsibility for content update and upkeep.
3. Approval for online domain accounts;
              1. Webmaster - Jimmy Barnes
              2. Spiritual Leader - Joseph Mullins
              3. Board President - Gene Murrell
              4. Treasure - Ralph Beck
              5. Secretary - Arvetta Jeter
              6. Administration - Crystal Stillman
              7. Youth Pastor - ?
              8. Worship Leader - ?

4. Establish funding guidelines for web presence.
5. Discuss audio quality of current broadcasts.
6. PayPal account for online giving.
7. Worship Service Restrictions/Cancellations. 
8. Online worship / classroom options
9. Old business

Church Website

The Church website is up and most areas are working as wanted.

There are several pages that have no content as yet, bare with us, they will be completed soon. 

Please leave comments and suggestions about appearance and content so we can have a site everyone will appreciate and use.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Corna Virus Pandemic

Want to thank everyone for their understanding and unwavering support during this time !!

We will continue to honor and support the the governing bodies over us. And will not gather together for worship services until we are informed it is safe to return to our normal routines.

May our Lord protect and keep us from sickness or harm during these times.